Committed to Excellence ​

Working With Young Minds To Turn Dreams Into Reality

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❝ Let’s connect and capitalize on our innovation quotient to create incredible technology that can build a world of new opportunities for mankind! ❞

A renowned scientist and technocrat entrepreneur, Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari has carved his path to glory in multiple niches of science and technology. Dr. Tiwari is the Chairman & Managing Director of Institute of Advanced Materials, IAAM (Sweden) and VBRI Group, Secretary General of the International Association of Advanced Materials, and Editor-In-Chief of Advanced Materials Letters. With a particular interest in transforming sectors like Energy, Environment, and Health, Dr. Tiwari has extensively worked on translational research and innovation for building modern technological systems with integration of multiple scientific fields like Advanced Materials, Nanotechnology, and Artificial Intelligence.

Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari has successfully created one of the world’s largest global netwrork of advanced materials researchers, organisations, government agencies, and policymakers. He is also the pioneer of diamond open access publication practices in advanced materials science, engineering, and technology. A keen supporter of young talent, Dr. Tiwari runs multiple organisations that provide exposure and opportunities to future technology leaders.

Research & Innovation Interests

Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari has to his name a considerable list of achievements in high-tech translational research & innovation. Owing to his experience and translational entrepreneurship with several cutting-edge technologies, he has managed to invented and innovate products with high application in crucial sectors such as Health, Energy, Environment, etc.

His major research interests include
  • Innovative Sustainability for New-Age Materials and Technology.
  • Healthcare Management and Technology
  • Programmable Nanotechnology
  • Environmental Sustainability and Water Nanotechnology
  • Materials Nanotechnology and Intelligent Fabrications
  • Green Materials Methods, Properties, and Applications
  • Dynamic Bioelectronics
  • Theranostic Nanomedicine and Biomedicals
  • Bio-Sensing and Point-of-Care Devices
  • Super-Thin Power Electronics

Objectives and Beliefs

Facilitating Innovation

Facilitating Innovation

Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari is of the opinion that technolgical innovations hold the potential to transform the world. Working extensively on the development of self-powered devices and cutting-edge technological platforms, Dr. Tiwari contributes heavility to supporting significant innovation.

Commitment to Excellence

Commitment to Excellence

Having founded several internationally renowned scientific organisations, Dr. Tiwari has laid foundation of scientific excellence. His work product exemplifies remarkable excellence and continues to drive growth in Energy, Environment, and Healthcare industries.

Advocate for Sustainability

Advocate for Sustainability

Under Dr. Tiwari’s headhship, his organisations work in line with the United Nation’s agenda of sustainability for 2030. Dr. Tiwari holds a special interest in fields like green materials, water purity, and sustainable practices. He works extensively to promote utilisation of technology to promote sustainability quotient in various sectors.

Bringing Healthcare Services to Doorsteps

A major part of Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari’s work is focused on translational research in for healthcare infrastructure and equipment. Having emerged from rural areas and a humble background, he has experience first hand the obstacles that rural population faces in their pursuit to quality healthcare By establishing the Vinoba Bhave Research Institute (VBRI), Dr. Tiwari has challenged the status quo in healthcare sector. Upon years of extensive translational research and technological innovation, Dr. Tiwari and his team has successfully created a virtual hospitals platform, called mHospitals. The platform works with an amalgama tion of leading technologies like IoT, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning. mHospitals provides high-quality cardiac consultancy to patients right in their homes. The platform targets to help and assist as many as 100 million people in the next decade and provide supreme cardiac consultancy at their doorsteps. With mHospitals, Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari has ignited a possibility to extensively optimise healthcare processes.

Stay Updated with Latest Blogs

Advocate for Sustainability

Water, Life and Health – Overcoming the Challenge of Global Water Requirement

Commitment to Excellence

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Algorithms to Strengthen Medical Research, Healthcare Delivery: Dr. Tiwari

Facilitating Innovation

Why Building Innovation in Healthcare is Important?

Translation Research & Innovation

Dr. Tiwari holds an unwavering faith in the idea of ‘Empowerment by Innovation’. His work to create path-breaking technology for multiple crucial sectors has been nothing short of revolutionary. For the past decade, he has been a leader in the area of translational research related to biomedical methods and smart devices. Dr. Tiwari has made several pioneering contributions in mutiple areas such as Cloud Medicine, Molecular Electronics, Sensors, and Digital Healthcare. Along with his organisations, he has invented AI-based healthcare management sysems including a virtual hospitals platform.

Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari has contributed heavily to innovative sustainability for new-age materials and nanotechnology. His work with the development of new materials, high-quality innovation, and translational development has proved to be of high application in multiple segments and markets. Dr. Tiwari holds special interes in cutting-edge innovation and technology-based products that support sustainability.

Media Recognitions

Indian researcher creates global knowledge center for advanced materials in Stockholm

28 Jan, 2019
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