A Multitude of Non-Profit Endeavors

Working to Promote Growth and Development at the Grassroots

Social Responsibility

Apart from being a world-renowned scientist and technocrat entrepreneur, Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari has maintained an extensive social outreach over the years. Having seen great successses himself, he believes in giving back to society and promoting good talent. By having established a multitude of non-profit organizations, Dr. Tiwari has successfully created networks that have impacted various industries and generated opportunities for thousands of young individuals. His non-profit organizations are focused on offering the right platform to talented individuals and help them succeed in their careers. Over the years, he has successfully weaved a network of materials science researchers, professionals, business giants, etc. that has benefited the entire scientific world. With a concrete resolve to ‘Work with Young Minds’ and promoting them, Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari continues on his journey of helping people succeed and offering world-class opportunities to them.

With his continuous efforts, Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari has established a number of international translational research organizations. The idea of collaborating and working with consortiums has helped him come a long way and contribute massively to the technology world. Being a technocrat entrepreneur, Dr. Tiwari is always looking for new ways to facilitate dissemination of technology and innovation for wellbeing.

In the last decade, Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari has established multiple organizations around the world. He, along with these organizations, strive to create cutting-edge, modern, and incredibly useful technology for the market. Also, these initiatives continuously strive to build a global science & technology community.

His Philosophy

Dr. Tiwari is a true believer in the power of young minds. It is his resolve to offer high-quality avenues to talented young individuals and provide them a kickstart in their careers. He believes in promoting people as much as possible in their pursuits and creating valuable opportunities for them.

Dr. Tiwari works towards social betterment by creating avenues for collaboration for innovative young minds. Considering it an obligation to be socially committed, Dr. Tiwari has successfully identified and worked on cutting-edge technologies that can enhance the human life significantly. With his experience as a scientist and researcher, he has contributed heavily to modern cutting-edge technologies.

His organizations focus on working with young minds and offering them world-class opportunities. Dr. Tiwari has ensured that his team and network include young individuals. Several of his non-profit initiatives offer these individuals access to global networks and opportunities to work on international projects. With his resolve to promote deserving people, Dr. Tiwari has been working on his several endeavors.

Non-Profit Endeavors

International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM)
Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari established the International Association of Advanced Materials, IAAM (Sweden) in the year 2010 with the aim to take forward the materials world. IAAM is a non-profit world-renowned international scientific research organization that works extensively in the sphere of advanced materials. The organization works to offer a highly interactive network of materials researchers to promote collaborations and partnerships. In the last decade, through IAAM, Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari has successfully facilitated joint ventures that have resulted into the extensive development of the scientific world. The organization works with the motto of ‘Advancement of Materials to Global Excellence’ and works to find ways to use advanced materials to create the most reliable and innovtive solutions for pressing global issues. With multiple forums such as the IAAM Youth Council, the organization attracts young professionals and help them succeed in their scientific careers. IAAM also runs an Academic Council to help the students take up science as a career choice.

Indoscandic Organization

One of Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari’s latest initiatives, the IndoScandic Organization (ISO) is a non-profit organization that represents the strengthening of ties between the Northern Europe with Southern Asia by historical, commercial, cultural, and linguistic associations. To further his agenda of social empowerment, Dr. Tiwari established the IndoScandic Organization and gathered a team with varied expertise. The organization is a unique avenue with members from as many as six countries, including Sweden, Finland, Norway, India, Denmark, and Iceland. These members work for the facilitation of international cooperation on seven critical necessities for mankind:

  • Business & Empowerment
  • Education & Research
  • Culture & Heritage
  • Spirituality & Religion
  • Social Integration & Justice
  • Tourism & Health

A Prestigious Law Institute

With a clear goal of enhancing the range of opportunities in rural areas, Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari has established a prestigious institute- Dr. Ganesh Prasad Law College, Prayagraj, India. By establishing this institute in his hometown, which is a rural area, Dr. Tiwari has worked towards his dream of giving back to the society at the grassroots. The college creates as many as 200 law professionals every year. Dr. Tiwari also offers scholarships to rural students in order to help them support their tuition fees. Being from a rural area himslf. Dr. Tiwari understands that there is a dearth of quality career opportunities for people. To help make up for the dearth of this opporunities, he has established this law college and currently provides quality law education to hundreds of students.

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